The 3ds Max London User Group meets on the first Wednesday of every month at Truckles, opposite the British Museum. Started in 2007, the group enjoys a great number of professional members from London's advertising, architectural and animation industries. We meet to discuss ideas, methods and projects in a friendly, relaxed setting.

Monday, 5 April 2010

Wednesday 7th April

3ds Max London User Group Meeting
This Wednesday 7th April From 6.30pm
Upstairs at The Black Horse Pub in Central London
6 Rathbone Place, London W1T 1HL

After a quiet one last month, we have a great evening planned for this Wednesday. 3ds London regular Joe Robson kicks things off with a talk, ‘The Painted, The Unpainted and the Unpaintable; In Pursuit of Architectural Realism’. Joe is an elected council member of the Society of Architectural Illustration, he also lectures at the London School of Economics and Bath University at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, as well as internationally. Currently he runs his own practice, AVR London, specialising in architectural illustration, verification and research. Joe's talk in November 2008 was fantastic so I'm pleased he's agreed to talk again.

Autodesk App Specialist Jamie Gwilliam is coming along too, this will be one of your first chances to check out all the new 3ds Max 2011 goodness. Enough said!

Hope you can make it, regards, Simon.