The 3ds Max London User Group meets on the first Wednesday of every month at Truckles, opposite the British Museum. Started in 2007, the group enjoys a great number of professional members from London's advertising, architectural and animation industries. We meet to discuss ideas, methods and projects in a friendly, relaxed setting.

Thursday 26 March 2015

3DS Max London User Group
Wednesday 1st April

For 7:30pm
The Doodle Bar
33 Parkgate Road
London, SW11 4NP

020 7223 7115

map (19/319 bus, 10 mins approx from Sloane Square)

Next Wednesday 1st April 3ds London is at The Doodle Bar, hosted by Squint Opera. No fooling... Thought a change might be nice, we've had a great time there before and Ryan Lintott, CTO, has kindly offered to give an overall presentation on Squint Studios, the many things they do and how they make it all work- How they've changed from a small arch viz studio into a much larger creative company and where they're going next. Their 3d team will run through a recent arch viz project and hopefully the lead TD from Okido will talk about that side of their production.

As always, please bring some of your own work to share with the group, and remember I’m always looking for presenters. If you are interested or know someone who is, please email me.

As always, please bring along some work to share or get in touch to schedule a presentation. Check,, the LinkedIn group, follow @3dslondon or email to get on the distribution list. Everyone welcome, don't miss this great evening, see you there!

Regards, Simon

n.b. Job openings- there were a lot last month! If you have an exciting position and want to let everyone in the group know please tweet @3dslondon (no agencies please) or post on the LinkedIn group with full details.

David Connolly took some great photos last month btw

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